Employees with one or more years of continuous service shall be provided with up to six months unpaid parental leave from the University, during which time the employee may use paid leave, when the employee becomes a biological, adoptive, or foster parent. Employees in their first year of employment may only take unpaid parental leave beyond their leave balance with appropriate medical documentation and special approval of the Provost or Vice President.
Parental leave may begin two weeks prior to the expected date of the child’s arrival and must be completed no more than 6 months from the date of the child’s birth or adoption. FMLA leave, alternatively, must be completed no more than 12 months following the birth, adoption or foster care placement of the child. FMLA leave for the birth or adoption of a child shall run concurrently with any University parental leave, and may not be used to provide an additional period of leave beyond 6 months. In the event that an employee chooses to take available FMLA leave commencing after the first 6 months following the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of the child, the University’s six month leave policy will not apply.
Parental leave taken under the provisions of FMLA or the University’s parental leave policy must be a consecutive period of time, and the employee must provide a minimum of 30 days notice prior to the leave period. Employees on parental leave may use up to six weeks of paid sick leave for the period of leave immediately following the birth of a child. Parental leave beyond the six week period may be covered by other accrued paid leave or remain a period of unpaid leave.