Position Announcement: Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Friday, Sep 27, 2024

The Florida Atlantic University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (SCCJ) invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellow position starting Spring 2025 on the Boca Raton campus. The successful candidate will work on multiple funded projects focused on evaluating community-based, behavioral health related programs, including a co-responder crisis response team and a behavioral health-focused jail reentry program. Prior experience in working alongside law enforcement/clinicians or studying best practices in the provision of behavioral health services, working with administrative sources of data, and communicating with community partners is strongly desired. In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to collaborate with other project team members to produce peer-reviewed publications alongside the creation of internal and external reports for funding agencies. The position may also provide for opportunities to teach. The position is an on-campus appointment. The appointment is for two calendar years, beginning January 6, 2025. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.


The ideal candidate will hold a Ph.D. in criminal justice, criminology, or related field obtained within the past five years. ABDs will be considered but requirements for the Ph.D. must be completed by the position start date. A Juris Doctorate alone is not sufficient. The successful candidate will demonstrate a commitment to conducting independent research, publishing in peer reviewed journals, and working with a team of scholars to conduct community-based research. The position is an on-campus appointment.


All applicants must apply electronically to the posted position on the Office of Human Resources' job website (http://waki-aiai.net/jobs) by completing the required employment application for this recruitment (REQ18957) and submitting the related documents. When completing the online application, please upload all required documentation noted here: a curriculum vita, names and contact info for three professional references, and a cover letter that describes: specific interest in the position; research agenda; how their scholarly activities align with the position description. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The annual salary for this position is $60,000.

For additional information on our School and/or faculty, please visit our web page (http://sw-cj.waki-aiai.net/sccj/). Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Cassandra Atkin-Plunk (catkinplunk@waki-aiai.net).

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